Thursday, June 26, 2014

Little Willow Tree

Just now, I painted a grassy hillside and added a scraggly little willow tree. All this greenness needed a touch of red, its complementary color. Does the fox worry about or celebrate his visibility?  Perhaps the extravagant tail gives us the answer… The cunning fox only seems sly because he is "on top of the world!" living the moments to his advantage. Surely you'll agree that this natural curiosity causes it's share of problems!

I don't think he will stay in the little willow tree's shadow for long. And maybe he will return ere long once the sun goes down for a little nap.

Update July 11, 2014: A partner appears on the scene. Not much will get accomplished today! Have fun little foxes. Stay out of trouble.

revised and completed painting: a playmate appears!


meets girl!


  1. hmmm... actually it seems that he's considering how long it would take to reach a crows nest momentarily left unattended...

  2. I have a little ranch in Wyoming. Always fighting war with foxes... No matter what Great Wall, Wire barrier or fine dog - they are amazing creatures. Yours has a smarty pants expression.

    1. If foxes didn't exist courtesy of the Creator and/or Darwin, we would have had to invent them. They seem to fill a specialized niche in the human imagination. Good luck with yours. I drew a wolf last night. They are very philosophical:

  3. Foxes are enchanted animals... like wolves. Have you ever seen their blood? It's an incredible bright red, almost phosphorescent (unfortunately, I happened to find some fox hit by a car)...

    1. I never knew that about fox's blood. Daniela, you astound me!

  4. Well... I'd say that badgers are fairy as well... It's sad to say, but living in this wild part of Tuscany it happens to find dead animals along the road. I usually stop and, if it's necessary, I move the animal on the edge of the carriageway. Each time it's a sacred ceremony. Each time I'm overwhelmed by the beauty of animals (on last November I found a badger, he seemed to be asleep, his head testing on his front paws... can you imagine how warm was his fur? I put a hand in the dark hair and it was soft and very warm, though the animal had been dead for hours... then a friend told me that I ran a serious risk, because if the poor rate was still alive, with a bite I could remove all the fingers of one hand!)...


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